Volume V: Who are We? (in Russian). Paperback.
It is the fifth book of the Ringing Cedars Series, describes the author’s search for real-life ‘proofs’ of Anastasia’s vision presented in the previous volumes. Finding these proofs and taking stock of ongoing global environmental destruction, Vladimir Megre describes further practical steps for putting Anastasia’s vision into practice. Full of beautiful realistic images of a new way of living in co-operation with the Earth and each other, this book also highlights the role of children in making us aware of the precariousness of the present situation and in leading the global transition toward a happy, violence-free society.
Even the breathtaking thought: "Is it possible that on the verge of the new millennium in Russia a bright national idea broke out with a bright ray, which will begin the beautiful prosperity of the Russian state?! Or has something more happened in the world and laid the foundations for a new stage in the development of all mankind? ”This book affirms our wonderful foresight.
"... Those who have understood their destiny and the nature of infinity will begin to live happily, reincarnate forever, for they will create happy infinity in their own minds."